
Nurse Laura Barrett


Cannabis Coaching

Nurse Laura is balanced in her approach to cannabis and hemp as an integrated part of wellness. She studies the available research on the use of cannabis as medicine and works with her patients to weigh the benefits versus the risks for each of them. She creates individualized care plans using some well-known practices that her and her peers in the industry are working to standardize. 

Additionally, she provides training sessions with provider groups, nursing groups, and other healthcare professionals to deep dive into state-specific regulations, products, and accessibility to providers. Nurse Laura works closely with pharmacists, providers, and other nurses in the cannabis industry who have created valuable educational tools for healthcare professionals, patients, and dispensary staff. Her goal is to establish more consistency and reliability in the educational opportunities offered.

Although Nurse Laura is motivated to share the benefits of medical cannabis with anyone who will listen, she is objective enough to speak about the benefits and risks, the possibility of drug interactions, research for and against use, and provide education to colleagues or family members of patients on either side of the stigma related to cannabis as medicine.